Friday, July 6, 2012

Paul at 13 months

Paul, my darling.  What a joy you are. 

You have a "girlfriend" at daycare I found out about this week.  Her name is Brooklyn, and you love to corner her so you can talk to her.  I think at first you scared her, but maybe the 5 months age gap is a good thing in this case, you of course being the older, and wiser.  I will allow you to have a crush at this time in your life, because we are praying for you to realize your true vocation of the priesthood, and therefore, a little flirting in years 1-2 is okay.  After that, you're going to have to remember who your true bride is.  The church. 

Your father has taught you well to recognize Jesus, and you have the sweetest way of saying it too.  The only problem I've discovered so far is that you think everything that is a statue or a framed picture is Jesus.  We celebrated the 4th of July at the Keppel's, and you went up to a picture of Bobby and Suzanne and said so sweetly "Jesus", but I know Suzanne was flattered at the compliment. 

You are kind to everyone we meet.  Today while taking you shopping I actually found myself judging someone that just looked at you and kept walking.  Being completely biased, I generally expect people to stop and comment on your stare, and your curly red hair. 

It's been very hot the past week in St. Louis, which only means that you've missed one of your favorite things - that is, being outside.  I'm excited for it to cool down so you can enjoy the outdoors again.

You are a healthy 29 lbs and 15 ounces, as we found out at the Dr today.  Haha.  You are truly "SO BIG."  In fact, we have a hard time finding the right shoes for you, as your arch is so "chubby" that most shoes aren't comfortable.  We mainly just let you go barefoot, so it isn't a big deal. 

You love to be chased around the house.  Usually, I do the chasing, and your daddy runs in front of you.  There is something you love about hugging around the legs - and you usually will do it to anyone with whom you are comfortable - it's very endearing...and you do it most often to your Dad. 

I love you so much my son.  What a gift from God you are.

Thursday, June 7, 2012

Paul's First Birthday Party

Paul, my dearest son...I just want to remember every detail about today, so I'm typing here as you're sleeping, trying to capture all of the emotion and love that today brought! 

First of all, it is absolutely wonderful that you were born on a holiday weekend, making it easier to travel and enjoy your birthday due to the "extra" day that the weekend brings.  We started planning your party probably six weeks prior to your birthday, first reserving a pavilion at Boulevard Park in Lake Saint Louis, thinking that by the time your birthday came near, the weather would be beautiful if not a little too hot outside.  We started letting people know about your birthday - especially big role players, like Grandma Pumphrey.  When we told Grandpa and "Ya-ya" Keys, they told us of a vacation that they had planned to Hilton Head... we thought about it and ended up changing the date of the party to accommodate them.  We were so happy that we did - it was a blessing they were able to attend. 

I love thinking of you and what you would enjoy, and how one day you will know how you fit into our family in the ways that we celebrated.  The St. Louis Cardinals winning the World Series in 2011 was such a treat for your dad and I to enjoy as Cardinals fans - while we didn't determine a particular theme for your birthday party, God provides for our hearts desires - He knew what we needed. 

We were going to a few garage sales on a Saturday, and I noticed a small Cardinal's hat, that I immediately picked up and put on your head - it seemed as if it were made for you - a perfect fit!  We looked around at a few other items the garage sale had, and a couple of paper plates caught my attention, one baseball,and the other soccer.  God must have known how much I desired to have a party with all the trimmings, because the generous woman at the garage sale piled crepe paper, the plates, the hat, and licenced cardinals gear into a bag and offered it to us for $3.  We did feel a little guilty so ended up paying $5 (the hat itself was probably worth $15). 

I took delight in being able to make you a birthday shirt - I started with trying to incorporate the colors of our favorite team, and searched for a way to add baseball and your age - we came up with the following...

The food was carefully planned by your Dad and I, starting with the people to invite, and then incorporating favorite picnic favorites - hotdogs, potato salad, baked beans...we later added hamburgers, and a salad.  We were able to use an idea found on the internet to have baseball cupcakes.  Your cousins Isaac and Mikayla Skidmore came from Beloit with Grandma Pumphrey and helped us decorate the cupcakes into "baseballs" - it was a fun memory building experience! 

Your guest list involved family and friends, and the following were the dear people that were able to attend:
- Momma & Daddy (your biggest fans!)
- Grandma June
- Isaac & Mikayla Skidmore
- Grandpa and Yaya Keys
- Great Grandma Punches
- Aunt Lindsey and Ignatius Keys
- Uncle Scott Keys
- Mike Wider
- Chuck and Linda Raymond
- David, Kendel, Grant, Jaymin, Elleny, Bennett & Baby Willaims
- Maddie Burkemper

Grandma June really helped me set up the food - she basically ran the bbq pit, making the fire hot enough to perfect the burgers and hot dogs.  She was also extra helpful in decorating and making sure that I felt comfortable with "enough" food.  Mikayla was the queen of helping us decorate, and find placement for the balloons and streamers.  Isaac and Mikayla helped bring items to and from the car - and Mikayla especially provided a calming of my nerves, reminding me that it was okay that I wanted everything to be special, because you, my dear Paul, are so special to me.  I delighted in watching your Dad take control of offering everyone a drink so I could make sure that you were well taken care of - Linda sweetly joked that she was ready to just put you in the car and take you home...she loves you so much and I know she and Chuck have showered you with prayers every day. 

Grandma Vickie or Yaya brought a fresh green salad, and it fit in perfectly with our menu.  She was so kind to do so, even though she had just returned from vacation!  Your dad led the most beauitful prayer before we started eathing, thanking God for the gift that you are to us, and the way you have blessed us with your life!  It was beautiful to see him taking charge of leading prayer...really a very special moment.  After everyone ate lunch (you mostly ate beans and hotdog) - we relaxed and enjoyed each other's company.  It was great to see our friends the Williams fit in perfectly with our dear family and friends - they are so good and great examples of the Christian walk.  I enjoyed watching dear friends listen intently to Grandma Punches, taking the time to make her feel special and loved - I tried so hard to soak it all in!  I do believe you enjoyed everyone sing "Happy Birthday" to you the most, even more than the sweet buttercream cupcake that you enjoyed smushing.

We asked people not to bring gifts, it already seems as if you have so many toys that you don't play with, and I wanted nothing to keep a friend or family member from attending!  However, you were showered with gifts as well - Miss Linda & Chuck gave you Mizzou gear, Grandad & Grandma June gave you many farm animals, to which we are responsible for teaching you the "real" sounds - not just "oink" for pigs. :)  Grandpa and Yaya gave you adorable clothes, Great Grandma Punches gave you a tractor and trailer which makes lots of fun sounds!  The Williams gave you a complete beach set, including a beach towel, beach ball, windmill, beach chair and a basket full of beach toys. The Skidmores gave you an awesome sherriff set - with a holster, 10 gallon hat, badge, water canteen, and also gave you a fun car, which you've already tried to let your animals drive!

Thursday, April 26, 2012

"Here Grandma."

She loves the privilege of holding the babies, and is so kind to offer her lap to all of the kids.  I don't know who needed help, or what they needed, but she had one baby, and then acquired another.  Sweet Savannah and Paul, just 2 weeks apart.  Savannah got restless (not used to Paul's weight on her legs) and then moved; then Paul got restless because Savannah moved, and when he resettled, he went in this position... just making sure her heartbeat was on track.  It only lasted a minute, but long enough to get a great picture!!

We love you Grandma, thank you for loving our babies.

Friday, April 13, 2012

Opening Day 2012

I know that life is passing by quickly, I treasure our moments with Paul - but still feel as if I miss the phase he was just in too, although I love everything he's learning. I never want to forget how everyone comments on his red hair - or how he loves his ball and we keep putting a bat in his hand and helping him "hit" the ball. We love having a boy. I love him so much!

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Who do you trust?

After getting Paul sleeping well, two things happened that really threw a wrench in everything...first, he got sick. Sick babies are not fun, and want to be held even more than healthy babies! So I held the little sweetie. Then - I went to a doctor who when i told her I was trying to get Paul to sleep through the night responded "Why would you do that?" - ahhh...renewed frustration and guilty mommy feelings ensued, as she suggested that my 99%tile babe "needed" those calories in the middle of the night.

After much reflection, I realize that I need to remind myself that I need to do what I think is best for my family - reminded again of the best parenting advice I've recieved to date, which is to do what is best for Sean, myself, and the baby, and stand before God knowing that I did my best - Miss Monica Kennedy really is the best for giving my tender heart such great wisdom.

So, we're "back on the wagon" again - trying to get Paul to sleep again in his own little crib, allowing for hiccups along the way for the inevitable illnesses.

Other fun and cute notes - he can "wave" which is so incredibly adorable, although he often does it when he's upset, and he's started crawling more with his bum in the air, even on carpet...not sure why, but Grandpa Keys seems to think it is his "just before walking" move.

Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Sleep Log, Day 2

Paul slept for 30 minutes at day care in the morning, and then from 3-5 pm on Dad's lap.

6:00 pm Dinner
6:25 pm Bath
7:00 pm Sleeping! He was quickly asleep, mostly because he didn't really have much sleep in his little system! He didn't really even enjoy his bath much because he was just so tired.
9:00 pm - Small fuss - back to sleep once his binky was replaced
Midnight - Small fuss - back to sleep once his binky was replaced
3:30 am - the worst but it really wasn't bad, he was asleep within 10 minutes, he just had woken up and needed a little reassurance and his binky to go back to sleep.
6:00 am - woke up and excited to start the day!

Praise God!

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Sleep Log, Day 1

5:45 Dinner
6:00 Play time
6:15 Bath time!
Clothes, nurse, then in the crib - mostly playing until Paul started fussing, then eventually was able to soothe him to sleep (without picking him up) by 7:15
9:00 woke up and was able to get to sleep again (after diaper change) - although really wanted to be picked up which you could tell because he stopped fussing the instant he was picked up for the diaper change...
Midnight - this was the tough one. He really wanted to be snuggled, and it took him a good 45 minutes to go back to sleep.
5:20 am - up with Daddy, like usual, and pretty happy!

Well, we've started. Here's to hoping that Paul can sleep in his crib consistantly so that Mom & Dad get to share a bed because Paul and Dad can't quite sleep together - because Paul is so loud....